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Self cleaning filter for paper industry

Filtration of Chemicals Used in the Paper Industry

Paper is one of the growing industries even in the digital era. The demand for quality paper products is increasing and is expected to grow at a growth rate of 7.5% from 2018-2025. Paper chemicals are the most important ingredient in improving the quality, properties, and strength of paper products. Chemical Filtration plays a crucial role in the paper manufacturing process. Chemicals are a diverse group of substances used to modify the paper’s properties and improve its quality. They can alter color, and brightness, increase strength, and enhance water resistance capabilities.

Chemicals are utilized at various stages in a paper manufacturing mill, including pulping, bleaching, bonding, coating, and water reuse. Important chemicals include Albarine for binding, chlorine dioxide for bleaching, and calcium magnesium carbonate for coating, among others.

Why Self-Cleaning Filter?

The dosing chemicals used in paper manufacturing must be of high quality and free from impurities. Chemicals often contain oversized impurities that can adversely affect paper properties and results. Therefore, a Filtration system is installed before any process requiring chemicals.

The use of a Self-Cleaning Filter at this stage is crucial as it prevents nozzle choking during chemical spraying. Nozzle blockage is a major challenge faced by paper manufacturers. Impurities present in chemical solutions can clog the nozzle, preventing the appropriate amount of solution from being sprayed onto the paper material, and resulting in lower quality or batch rejection.

Additionally, dosing chemicals are often reclaimed after certain processes, which removes a large quantity of pulp and oversize particles. While a strainer is commonly used in this location, it has its disadvantages.

Industrial duplex strainers utilize a two-way filtration process with two mesh baskets. However, once one basket becomes clogged, the other is used, and manual cleaning of the baskets is necessary, leading to downtime and compromised efficiency.

To address these challenges, Galaxy Sivtek offers advanced Chemical Filtration equipment, including the SIVTEK Self-Cleaning filter. This innovative solution ensures uninterrupted operation, running 24×7 without interrupting ongoing batches for cleaning or maintenance. Moreover, it provides a cost-effective solution with a longer mesh life and enhanced functionality, offering significant advantages over traditional strainers.

Watch the Animated video to understand the operation of the SIVTEK Self-Cleaning Filter








Features of Self-Cleaning Filter:

Auto Clean System: The filter comes with a cleaning disc that moves along the periphery of the mesh basket to clean the inner surface.

Ease of Maintenance: The Self Cleaning Filter lowers the maintenance time and allows you to easily maintain the filtration unit for the cleanup or mesh change.

Filter Control System: “Set and Be Free” The system controls cylinder stroke which moves the cleaning disc & contaminant Purging chamber valves.

No Manpower Required: The Self Cleaning Filter provides you with a fully automated system that will run for a longer time without any manpower requirement.

GalaxySivtek brings the experience of serving more than 12+ processing industries and has provided thousands of filtering solutions across the globe for liquid syrup, chocolate liquor, cough syrup, chemicals, paint, and many more. For any information or issues regarding your existing filtration equipment feel free to contact and get assistance from our SIVTEK sieving & filtration experts.

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