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Tumbler screen for CTC Tea Leaf

Case Study: Transforming CTC Tea Leaf Processing through Advanced Sifting Process with Sivtek Tumbler Screen


In the tea industry, particularly within the segment that produces Crush, Tear, & Curl (CTC) tea, the initial processing steps are crucial for ensuring the quality and safety of the final product. Before this critical crushing stage, sifting is essential to remove contaminants like stones, sand, plastic rappers, and metal pieces, which could damage the machinery and compromise tea quality. This case study elaborates on how Galaxy Sivtek’s introduction of the Sivtek Tumbler Screen significantly improved the sifting process with Tumbler Screen, optimizing both efficiency and cost-effectiveness for a prominent client in the tea industry.

Requirements & Challenges

The client faced significant challenges in the initial sifting stage of tea leaf processing:

  1. Inadequate Throughput: The existing sifting solutions were not able to handle the volume of leaves efficiently, leading to bottlenecks.
  2. Low Efficiency: The machines previously in use did not achieve the required efficiency, resulting in incomplete removal of contaminants and uneven feeding into the rollers.
  3. Increased Operational Costs: To compensate for low efficiency, the client had to install additional machines, leading to higher capital investment and increased maintenance costs.


To address these challenges, Galaxy Sivtek recommended the implementation of the Sivtek Tumbler Screen, an advanced sifting solution designed for high-capacity and efficient screening. This innovative machine offered several key features and benefits:

  • High Throughput: The Sivtek Tumbler Screen is capable of handling three times the volume of traditional sifters, effectively eliminating processing bottlenecks.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: With an efficiency rate of 95%, the Sivtek Tumbler Screen ensures the thorough removal of all types of contaminants, providing clean and uniform tea leaves for the CTC process.
  • Cost-effective: By increasing throughput and efficiency, the need for multiple machines was eliminated, significantly reducing capital and operational expenditures.


The introduction of the Sivtek Tumbler Screen resulted in multiple immediate and long-term benefits:

  • Increased Production Capacity: The client was able to process larger quantities of tea leaves in a shorter time frame, significantly boosting production output.
  • Improved Product Quality: The higher screening efficiency resulted in cleaner tea leaves entering the CTC machines, enhancing the quality of the final product.
  • Reduced Costs: The reduction in the number of machines required for sifting not only lowered initial capital costs but also decreased ongoing maintenance expenses.


The deployment of the Sivtek Tumbler Screen in screening tea leaves before CTC processing proved to be a pivotal improvement for the client’s operation. Not only did it resolve the issues of efficiency and throughput, but it also provided a more streamlined, cost-effective, and scalable solution. This case study highlights the importance of selecting the right technological tools and partners for overcoming production challenges and optimizing manufacturing processes in the tea industry. The success experienced by the client serves as a benchmark for others in the sector, showcasing the potential gains from integrating advanced screening technology like the Sivtek Tumbler Screen.

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